In October 2022, the “Skills of the Future” Educational Hub was opened in Cherkasy. It was created by the Educational Initiatives Foundation in collaboration with the STEM Education Training Center of the Cherkasy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education of Pedagogical Workers, with the support of UNDP Ukraine and Accord Group.

The “Skills of the Future” Educational Hub in Cherkasy was established in response to the challenges faced by the community in the region, including a large number of internally displaced families that require support and assistance, as well as the need for further teacher retraining and the development of their digital competencies.

The educational hub provides access to necessary educational services for teachers, students, and community members, specifically offering opportunities to acquire digital competencies to prepare professionals for the 21st century. It serves as a platform for harmonizing internally displaced individuals within the local community and acts as a dialogue platform, including basic psychological work with the participants.

Within the educational hub, there are the “Digital Studio for Students,” “STEM Academy for Students,” and the “Educational Club for Adults.” It also features an educational co-working space where children can access remote education using the available equipment. The hub’s infrastructure enables systematic training for parents and the preparation and retraining of IT and STEM professionals.

Currently, the educational hub has provided training to over 1200 participants, including 58.4% secondary and vocational school students, 22.4% pedagogical university students, 13% education institution specialists, and 6% adults seeking to acquire new competencies. Among the participants, 60% are internally displaced individuals.

In the future, the trainers of the educational hub may conduct relevant educational work to develop modern professional competencies based on the population’s demand.

The “Skills of the Future” Educational Hub is a digital education center and provider constantly evolving and expanding its formats under the guidance of its trainers.

31/33, Simi Brodskykh St., Kyiv, 03057

The Charitable organization
Tel.: +380443503635

EDRPOU 38051140
D-U-N-S Number is 365442216
Chairman of the Board:
Anton Dziuba

Director of Charitable Programs:
Alla Maramon

Director of Educational Projects:
Ihor Starenkyi

Coordinator of Charitable Programs:
Svitlana Bukhanets

2012 — 2024
Charitable Foundation
All rights reserved