The Education Initiatives Fund and the Student Parliament of the National Scientific Center “Institute of Biology and Medicine” have jointly raised funds for the restoration of the damaged stained glass panel at the Institute following a rocket attack on the eve of the new year in 2023.

The explosive blast completely destroyed three panels, while two suffered partial damage to the colored glass and lead connecting elements.

After an assessment of the damage conducted by experts from the National Research Restoration Center of Ukraine, it was decided to initiate the restoration work using authentic glass and lead soldering.

Currently, the restoration of these unique works of Ukrainian modernism, the stained glass windows, is underway.

The initial stage of the restoration includes:

  • Photodocumentation of the problematic (damaged) areas of the stained glass panels.
  • Graphic reproduction and printing of sketches of the stained glass windows (cartoons) in their original scale.
  • Removal of remnants of fragments from the original metal frames.
  • Disassembly, identification, cleaning, and arrangement of fragments to assess the preservation of authentic glass and remnants of lead soldering.
  • Assessment of the integrity of lead connections and design of future reinforcement ribs to enhance the stability of the restored stained glass structures.
  • Transportation of fragments from one panel to the workshop, restoration work, and installation into the original frame.

The restoration and reconstruction work is ongoing.

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The Charitable organization
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EDRPOU 38051140
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Anton Dziuba

Director of Charitable Programs:
Alla Maramon

Director of Educational Projects:
Ihor Starenkyi

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Charitable Foundation
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