The Charitable Fund “Fund for Educational Initiatives” introduces new areas of activity and expands the network of donors and partners
Because of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the introduction of martial law, the Fund for Educational Initiatives, a charitable organization with ten years of successful experience in youth and educational policy, is expanding its range of activities.
From now on, the main directions of the Fund’s charity programs are:
- humanitarian aid;
- protection of civilians;
- education and science;
- health.
Thus, for the period of martial law in Ukraine, the main task of the Fund is to provide humanitarian assistance to the victims and displaced persons and protect the civilians, which includes:
- strengthening the defense capacity of the state;
- providing access to education and developing the scientific potential of young people;
- ensuring health, including mental health, through access to medical services;
- supply of medicines, medical and social equipment and facilities.
To ensure the fulfillment of the above tasks, the Fund for Educational Initiatives is engaged in the supply of the following categories of goods:
- essential goods;
- hygienic materials, hygiene products;
- medicines;
- medical and social equipment and facilities;
- military goods.
We ask every socially responsible business in Ukraine, which has the development of partnerships with the Oktava group of companies, as well as support and development of the economy and humanitarian policy of Ukraine, to become a PARTNER/DONOR of the Fund.
For more information about the volumes and directions of necessary assistance, please contact:
Alla Maramon, the Director of Charitable Programs
Svitlana Bukhanets, the Coordinator of Charitable Programs